Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Countdown...OUCH My Foot...Oh Sandy !

Well we have our tickets to finally go back home on Nov 6th. We have been here in NY since the end of June. It was supposed to be for 2-4 weeks. Hubbys been out of the hospital and is slowly regaining his strength. It still is a daily worry that he will have another asthma attack or something else. So much has gone wrong with him since we got here.
To top it off, one week ago, i took a tumble down a few stairs and ended up spraining my foot pretty bad. I have to wear a removable brace and do a follow up with a ortho dr when i get home.


 I've also been keeping an eye one Hurricane Sandy. It looks like it will knock on my door in Florida, and possibly pay a visit to us here in NY.  :( Wish us luck

1 comment:

  1. Stay safe during Sandy's wrath! And I hope you and your husband heal quickly!
