Monday, August 22, 2011

Hurricane Irene Going to be knocking on my door

I have gone from cautious to a bit nervous with the weather reports. I breathed a slight sigh of relief this morning when the projected track of hurricane Irene moved out a little further into the Atlantic. But now it's stronger. It will be off the coast of Florida start on 3:00 Thurs/Fri around 120-125 mph (cat 3) As it stands we may get tornadic activity with tropical storm force winds with squalls. (if it doesn't come closer)
So today we started cleaning up the loose stuff from the yard. Luckily the boys are here to help as hubby really can't do a lot with his COPD. We do have hurricane shutters on some of the windows, but will have to get the other ones covered up, at least the ones facing East. The boys (i still call them boys, they're grown now) have been such a big help. I have some big oak trees that concern me, but hubby isn't worried about them ( i think he's just trying to make me feel better) My youngest (20) is going out and buying some hurricane supplies tonight. We have a generator from the last storms, so they get that out and get it ready. Still a lot to do. I'm hoping my survey monies come through and some sales from my sites so i can chip in and not have the boys buy everything.
I haven't seen anyone really doing anything to prepare yet around my neighborhood. I figure i will probably see them out in their yards tomorrow.
Well wish me luck


  1. Take care Debs. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family and all the persons in that area.
    Judy from Jamaica

  2. Hopefully the truly nasty stuff will miss your home. My thoughts/prayers will be with you, your family, and all who live in the path of Irene.

  3. I will be thinking of you! My parents are in central Florida and I always worry about them when the storms hit.

  4. take care and stay inside ...prayers to you in this trying weather time...hope you and your family fare well through the storms...
