Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kitty Update..Bucky Has Four Brothers!

We found the rest of the kittens today in the woodpile! Aggh....
Going to be pretty busy watching these guys until they get new homes. At least three are eating on their own, and can be adopted out. Bucky must be the runt since he's smaller than the others. The odd one looks like he's a Siamese mix. (i wish i could keep that one too)
The three alone i kept separate until i gave them treatments for their eyes (had eye infection like Bucky had) Luckily i had some medicine left. I gave them all a bath also. The vet said i could if i used Dawn dish soap or baby shampoo. Found some fleas, and they're too young to use any flea treatment. Hope i got them all. Needless to say, i have a few scratches on my hands. The one with Bucky is the biggest. The one in the middle of the other picture is solid black, and looks to have a deformed or previously broken tail. It has a bend in it.
The momma is a feral cat that's been hanging around (now i know why) We felt bad and fed her two cans of cat food. The vet gave me a number of a place to call that fixes cats, then releases them back to where they came from. (catch & release) They make a little notch in the ear so they know it has been fixed. They provide this as a free service. These kind are too wild to tame. Such a shame, but at least i can do the best i can for her kittens.
Well i hope they let me sleep tonight. Wish me luck :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, hope you can sleep! Thank you for taking care of these poor kitties! I'm glad they've found you.
