Saturday, June 23, 2012

Going To New York

***Going On Vacation. Orders will ship on upon my return approx 4-6 weeks***
That's what i decided to do with my shop instead of closing it. I put that in my announcements. I figured no big deal. I remember when i waited many times for something in the mail and it took that long anyway. I usually send out orders a couple of days after i get them. But really, who honestly needs a kitchen towel in record speed anyway?

So hubby and i are NY bound for about one month. His brother bought the us plane tickets to come visit.  We didn't get very much notice, so haven't had a chance to save much spending money for the trip. I'm  leaving my crochet shop open, but just putting in the announcement that i'm away, so shipping orders won't happen until i return so at least i will still have that.

I'll be back with lots of photos to share, so take care and TTYL
:) Deb

1 comment:

  1. I lived in NY for 16 years and my new dau in law is from NY. Soon her mom will be here visiting and we are looking forward to entertaining her. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!!
