Friday, September 21, 2012

ICU Day 21 He's Awake!

Hubbys made a big comeback. He's off the vent, just getting a little air from it. He's awake, but confused. It will take time since he was on the sedation so long. The dr said the infections clearing up. Sometimes he knew me, and other times he didn't. The next step is to pass a swallow test and get the feeding tube out.Then will have to go to a rehab center to get his strength.Hopefully they can even get that trach off him. After that hopefully they can do the ostomy reversal surgery.I think that what he's thinks was going on when he woke up as he was pointing to it.

On another note, I've put the rag rugs on sale and some other goodies in my shop Debbie Crochets
Purchases from my shop will help with the unexpected expenses of our extended stay here in NY due to hubbys hospitalization. Thank you

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad he's awake and doing better. I've been thinking of you and wondering how he was.
