Monday, November 19, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

Hubbys been doing good and his health has been pretty good. The "anniversary" of his health problems is approaching. His first trip to the hospital was the night before Thanksgiving last year. I'm almost afraid to cook a Turkey. Tried it twice, and it seemed like a bad omen. He ended up in the hospital both times (i'm sure it was just coincidental)

I've been so busy trying to catch up on my crochet since i've returned home. I've been adding a lot of new things to my Etsy shop

I still have to take a picture of the "kittens". I can't believe how big they've gotten since i was away. Seems that Spanky turned out to really be a Darla. This is not a good thing, although Buckwheat seems just fine with it. Looks like we will be making a trip to the vet soon.

Well time for me to get back to crocheting.
Happy Holidays!

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