Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's Finished. The T-Yarn Shag Rug

Well it's finished. I've been working on it on and off since last June. The canvas blocks are 10 x 10 with 13 x 15 rows. Each row is 131 spaces with the fold over of three on each end. There's 150 rows So with fold over allowance on the edges, that's about 19,650 "yarns". I cut up t shirt scraps that where too small to make my crocheted rag rugs with. First I cut the pieces into approx three inch stripes. Then using a size C crochet hook, i draw one end of the strip through one square, then bring the other end through the square directly above it. I then double knot it. I did this with every square. I used a Graph N' Latch Rug Canvas W/Grid 30 x 36 3.75 Mesh that i bought on Amazon for $11.80 after tax that i used my gift cards for. I would say this was the more time consuming project i've done...so far.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely job. It is so rewarding to finish such a project.
