Friday, March 1, 2013

New Site Bubblews Thumbs Up

I joined Bubblews
  I followed some friends over there, once they verified that they had been paid. If your fimilar with sites like RedGage & Gather, it's similar to them. The big exception is the points add up much quicker. When i signed up, they started me out with $1.00 . You have to make a post with 400 words or more, but it's really not as hard as it sounds. I posted some of my crochet patterns, and as of right now:

9 posts i made
Views- 232
For a total of $4.01

Not bad considering how much work it took vs. the other mentioned sites. Cash out is at $25.00 which at this rate should be pretty quick. So i give this one a "Sites-That-Don't -Suck " rating ..Thumbs Up.
I hope it's not short lived like Superpoints was. So hurry :)

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