Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Two Thumbs-Sites That Don't Suck-Bubblews

I had to give my hands a much needed break from crocheting. The only thing i've made all week was a pair of hanging kitchen towels and a scarflette. I did go out and buy some new towels to start working on so i'll start back on that. I was a bit disappointed that i missed the new delivery and my supplier didn't have many to choose from. Well maybe next time.

 In my last post i told you about the site i joined called Bubblews. It's working out great! I joined on March 1, and already am up to $18.48. Cashout is at $25. So i give this site a two thumbs up. Everyone there only has positive things to say and they even have been posting proof of payments. From what i can tell they've been around for a year now, so i hope they will stick around. Again here's the link to join

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