Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Lack Of Motivation

I don't know why, but i'm really lacking motivation lately. I went out and bought some more kitchen towels to do the crochet tops on, but there they still sit in the bag. I also ave a bunch of t shirts to cut up and turn into rugs. I have to set myself a goal that i will get something started tonight!

I also noticed that i have 4,999 Twitter followers! I hope to hit 5000 today :)

And as for Bubblwes, I started a post that i will run daily.It's called Bubble Buddy of The Day. I choose a bubble buddy of mine at random to feature.Since it's against the rules to ask for clicks (not sure if it's against the rules to ask for clicks for others) but i feature a person , telling them to stop by one of their posts if they would like to.I leave it up to them decide.

Todays feature is WildBill

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