Saturday, June 15, 2013

I Found Some Great Deals

I went out to the thrift stores today and got some great deals. First the one for the yarn. Anyone who is a crocheter or knitter can relate on how excited i was to get this deal. I got 2 big bags of yarn with at least 14 skeins in each bag for a grand total of $17.98 at the Goodwill Store. Now that gives me the motivarion i needed to start a new crochet project. Just haven't figured out what yet.

At least that made my mood better. Earlier on i went to Joanne craft store because i got a 50% off one item coupon. I figured i could used it to buy a cone of cotton yarn. Well when i saw the price at $14.99 i couldn't believe it. Walmart sell the same thing, just a different brand for $7.50. So i left without buying anything there. i won't be back.

Then i went to a new Trader Jakes thrift store. I found a really nice 12 piece stainless steel BBQ grill utensil set with carrying case. It was marked $15.00 (brand new) and I also found a new Topsy Turvey planter for pepper plants marked $4.50. I asked the guy if he would work a deal for me, so he gave them both to me for $16.50
So needless to say it was a good shopping trip.

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