Monday, September 23, 2013

My Crochet Lately Towel Holders

Wow, i didn't realize it's been a while since my last post. I've been pretty busy trying to make as many items as i can before the holidays.
The latest are the towel holders ive been crocheting. I'm making them in sets of three. I sold two sets on the first week i listed them
Here's what i have so far

I also started on some new towels. I'm getting pretty upset wih the place i get them from. It seems like they've dwindled down on their selections. But i did manage to score some coffee themed ones:

Other than that, i still have the big rug and afghan up in my shop that the customer didn't end up buying. It was a custom order, but at least it wasn't personalized with strange color combos etc.
Here's the rug

Here's the afghan

I made one more rug right after finishing that one and i think that's what messed up my elbow and arm, so i won't be making any more for a while to give myself a rest.

And as i mentioned before,and i will keep mentioning after every post.. Now is a great time to open a new shop on Etsy. With the holidays approaching, it's my busiest time of year pretty soon. When you open a shop, you get your first 40 listings free ($8.00 worth). That's how many my referrals have been getting, others may be different. That's a great deal. Check it out here :

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