Friday, January 10, 2014

Craft Room Renovation

Wow, i didn't realize how much time had passed since i last blogged. Been busy wrapping up the holidays and we started a new project-My craft room.

The downstairs part of my house is going to be my craft room. Hubbys and the boys have been busy taking down the old paneling just to discover bright pink walls! So after a couple of primer coats, the walls are now a pretty light blue. This is just one of the walls.

Of course, the room is a mess until it's finished. I have my crafts all over the house. It will be nice to have them all together. I also have been sorting through some and have added a destash section in my shop. I have some craft supplies that an elderly friend gave to me years ago that she bought about 25 or so years ago. I just have too much stuff, so i figured i better part with some before hubby calls the Hoarders show on me LOL.

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