Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Crochet Since Last Time

I haven't blogged in a while because life happens. And honestly, i've noticed not many read my blog, they just pop in for the free patterns-that fine too, but i just don't feel obligated to post everyday anymore.

As far as Simba, he got the ok from the vet last week, but i'm still not convenced. He's eating about 1/2 a can of cat food a day which is not his normal 2 cans. I think his tooth is bothering him. The vet said his teeth where in pretty good shape for his age (18, not 20 like i thought) He removed some plaque and saw he does have a cavity. They charged $216. for the office visit, and the tests. Which may not seem like a lot, but it is when you have to come up with it suddenly and have to borrow. So now it looks like i have have to bring him back and get the tooth fixed. I don't know what they'll want for that..

Other than that, nothing exciting. The craft room/bathroom remodel is slowly coming along.-again,
need  money to buy stuff.

And as for my crochet, the penguin afghan sold pretty quick. Not sure when i will be making another. It was nice, but a lot of work. Not sure that it's worth selling in the long run.

And i've made some new stuff, too much to mention so you can check it out here in my shop Debbie Crochets

See ya

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