Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Updates on New Sites , Ones That Don't Suck, and Some Now Do

Here's a few GOOD sites that pay I thought you may be interested in. I will put the newer ones at the top. The ones that changed to Does Now Suck are at the bottom

New  TSU (Like RedGage-Content sharing)
Join the Redgagers who used to make money here. This site seems to be the real deal.   invite link
I was invited by a fellow RedGage member who is very active onRedGage, so i' trusting him on this. Will give updates on how ie goes.

Superpoints They're Back!

The site closed a few years ago. Now it's back. I'm getting a lot of points, but saving up before cashing out.

Update- Still ok, but not as good as it was. You are limited as to what you can cash out for based on what level you're on. You can buy your way to the top which i declined. I was at the top when the closed the first time.

Sponsored Tweets

You need to have an Twitter account and a decent amount of followers.
They send you links to various sites to tweet about. Not very often, so you don't get overwhelmed. Once you write your tweet, they will send it out for you. They give you suggested prices to charge per tweet, but you can set your own amount. Payout is at $50, but I think for the few minutes it takes, it's worth it. I'm at about $26. and I've been doing it 2-3 months. I will give a follow up when I cash out.

They send you invites to do surveys (can be any amount) and occasionally send you full size products to give a survey about. I received a full sized product, and did a 5 minute survey and made $40 . That was pretty decent.
They do take a while to pay, but they do.

Survey Savvy

 Pinecone. Pays for surveys, and sometimes gives free products. avg about $3.00 I've been with them for years.The payments generally go right into my Paypal the next day.
Pinecone Research

Now Does Suck:  :(
Gather-social networking site
A great site that pays you for sharing your content such as pictures etc. Nice way to meet people too. Pays based on points for your choice of prizes or gift cards or Paypal.

Update- Gone. Screwed members out of their remaining points and changed it to a news page. No money to be made here

Redgage- social networking site, similar to Gather
I joined it a while ago, but forgot about it. I started working on it the other day, and I won the $25. daily contest and made about $5 the first 2 days. It's similar to Gather

Update- Still waiting since Dec 2013 for account balance update. Have emailed them a few times with the same reply- They're working on it
Update- Sometime 2014? Finally did get payment via virtual card.
I visit very seldom anymore


Bubblews- Gone 2015

SideTick - Gone

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