Monday, June 1, 2015

Hot Stuff

I'm having my good days and bad days with this thing they call menopause. I laughed at the episode of All in the Family when Edith Bunker went through the change. Well i tell you, i'm not laughing. It's actually pretty scarey when you feel like you don't have control. The hot flashes suck, but the mental aspect is worse. I never had anxiety before. For the most part, i've been able to get a handle on it and keep it in check. I also have throat tightness caused by the anxiety. All in all, this just plain sucks. Aches and pains, sleepless, night sweats, hair loss (or re location as i call it) from my head to my upper lip and face WTF!!  funny salt like taste in my mouth and my new found personality that i call "i don't give a rats ass". Yup i'm getting mean at times, but in a way, that's not such a bad thing. If i don't like something, i say it, no more sugar coating.  All these strange things happening. I would swear i had some major illness if i hadn't been checked out. I was always healthy. The thought of living with this for years....I cannot accept . I have a follow up appt with my dr in a couple of weeks. He wanted me to loose weight, well the jokes on him-i think i gained five more pounds :( He will want me to take a medication, but i would rather try natural remedies, like ice cream and Oreos. I don't think he will see things my way..Wish me luck.

Because of this and the customer that stiffed me on the large custom order, i've lost my crochet mojo.
I must have spent hours looking through crochet patterns. I just don't see anything i want to make. I'm in a rut. At least i was able to put it all up for sale in my shop, still that was over $200. i was counting on for my bills this month. I like to be able to pay my own bills and not ask hubby for money. If nothing else, it shows him i do actually make money from my crochet , and my craft room just isn't wasted space. Besides, if i have to get a job outside the home, it will have to be working in a freezer the way i feel.

Warmly- Deb

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