Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hello....Is Anyone There?

Just wanted to know if anyone reads my blog postings.  Maybe i'm doing something wrong and just don't or can't see amount of times read. Anyway here's the latest since i last posted...

I added a bunch of holiday themed kitchen towels and too many other items to mention. Check out my shop for the latest and get a jump start on your holiday shopping.

It's the height of hurricane season with an eye opening "almost" from Hurricane Erika. Luckily she pooped out before she came here. Just a nasty rainy day from the left-overs today. Now to keep a watch on Fred....
I'll take that as a second chance to get my hurricane supplies together...

P.S. If you could just comment so i know if  my blog is working or not -thanks


  1. Yup, I read it, but through an RSS reader, so I don't know how/if that shows up in your stats...

  2. I read your blog with Feedly so like the previous commnent I have no idea how it shows on your stats. We also cross paths on twitter sometimes.
