Monday, September 11, 2017

Goodbye Irma....Hello Jose?

Yesterday couldn't have ended soon enough. Hurricane Irma actually changed course and came closer to us. No idea of how strong the winds where as the innstrument that measures the wind speed broke.

The tornado alerts where almost on top of each other. I do believe we did get one possible F0. Everything suddenly became quiet, then my son said our french doors looked like they bowed almost like it took a "breath" , then a lot of noise. We saw a small path of destruction , plants, tree branches that all seemed to line up down the side of the house and across the lawn this morning.

As scary as it was, we really where lucky to now get any damage other than some yard debris. Some where not as lucky. A trailer park in the next town was hot pretty hard.
Some flooding , uprooted trees and many without power. We are so fortunate to have had our power restored this morning. Many are still out.
Here's the before and after of my house. You can see the trees lost some branches and leaves.

Now to hold my breath for the next possible hurricane, Jose that has a chance of hitting us next. :(

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to imagine how scary that must have been. I hope you are spared by the next storm too.
