Friday, April 24, 2009

Crochet Tip # 5

Save those mayonnaise jars!

They are perfect to store your crochet hooks in.
You can label the jars with hook size-no more squinting to see the size on the needle.
Also great to store the little scraps of leftover yarn, just label yarn type on the jar, and you can see the color and less chance of the yarn getting tangled up.


  1. I love reusing thing like that. I use old instant flavored coffee containers to hold seeds this time of year.

  2. It´s a great idea! I use to save empty jars, they´re useful.

  3. Great idea! I like to use old prescription bottles to hold buttons, needles, etc so they're stored nicely and the little ones can't get them open.

  4. Don't make the mistake I did and wash your mayonnaise jar in the dishwasher! Oooops! It shrunk!! =P
