Thursday, April 23, 2009

I heard the train hit the breaks and smelled the rubber

It happened just up the street from me today. I heard this very loud noise then after I smelled the rubber I knew it must be the train which is just down the road. We walked down a bit to see the train at a complete stop and the traffic building up. Police and ambulance sirens could be heard.
Then a few minute later, the train was on it's way again.
I checked in the local paper on line and it said that a one legged man in a wheelchair was apparently going across the tracks when he fell out of the wheelchair and couldn't move. A man who was at a nearby shop came to his rescue, pulling him away within inches of the train.The train guy thought he had hit him, but luckily he didn't. That man had an an angel watching him today.


  1. Wow, what a wild story! So glad everyone was alright.

    Once on my way to work, I saw a car stopped on the train tracks at a light get hit by a train. The lady was fine, standing by her car looking unhappy so all I could think was, that's why they have those signs that say don't stop on tracks...

  2. wow! that's crazy and awesome that the guy stepped in and helped :)

  3. Amazing stories! It seems like there's a similar story on the news every other day.

  4. I thought it must be his Angel too!

