Friday, September 6, 2013

Busy Crocheting For The Holidays

I've been busy crocheting to add more items to my shop to get ready for the holiday shoppers. I added a couple big items as well. A 70 inch rag rug and a afghan. They where supposed to be custom orders, but the customer had to cancel so now they're in my shop (Debbie Crochets). I'm sure they will sell pretty fast.

I also wanted to mention again that the great deal now going on with Etsy. They are now offering forty (that's 40) free listings when you join. It may be a different amount with other member referrals, but that's what i've been getting. Plus when you join, i also get 40 free listings! That's pretty freaking awesome. 

  They let you sell your handmade and vintage items on there. Everything from crochet to jewelry. Now is prime time to join since the holidays are approaching fast and the sales will start picking up pretty soon. I don't know how long this will last, so hurry
  Here's the link

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