Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Crochet Injury, and Something New

Yes it is possible. I believe i messed up my elbow when i was working on the last rag rug. I put so much crocheting and cutting into it that my elbow has been sore ever since. So i'm going to avoid making rugs for a while.

I decided to get back to working with the yarn. I have a custom order to work on for one of my hood scarfs. I just got the yarn for that today, so i'll start that tonight.

In the meantime, i've been making towel holders. I tend to make more things geared towards housewares for some reason. Anyway, here's some i've made today & have listed in my shop. I will be adding more colors later on.


Reminder: Etsy is now offering forty (that's 40) free listings when you join. It may be a different amount with other member referrals, but that's what i've been getting. Plus when you join, i also get 40 free listings!
They let you sell your handmade and vintage items on there. Everything from crochet to jewelry. Now is prime time to join since the holidays are approaching fast and the sales will start picking up pretty soon. I don't know how long this will last, so hurry
  Here's the link


  1. I got tennis elbow from doing filet crochet. It was bad for a few years and then got better. Then I destroyed my shoulder and had to have surgery. Afterwards they put me in PT and PT screwed up my elbow worse. Put micro tears in the tendon which then developed into full on tendonitis from my fingers to my shoulder. I fell your pain. Be careful for a while and take some anti-inflamitories. Ice it for thirty mins at a time. It will get better. Sorry you are in pain!

  2. I got tennis elbow from doing filet crochet. It was bad for a few years and then got better. Then I destroyed my shoulder and had to have surgery. Afterwards they put me in PT and PT screwed up my elbow worse. Put micro tears in the tendon which then developed into full on tendonitis from my fingers to my shoulder. I fell your pain. Be careful for a while and take some anti-inflamitories. Ice it for thirty mins at a time. It will get better. Sorry you are in pain!
