Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Tis the Season

I haven't been blogging much due to the fact i've been babysitting a 7 month old and trying to add as much crochet as i can to my shops on Etsy & ArtFire. As much as my boys say they like my crochet, I don't think they want a hanging kitchen towel as a Christmas present. So anyway, i'm trying to make a few dollars with the babysitting and my crochet sales to be able to buy them some things. They are actually not "boys" anymore, they are both in their 20's. Wow, I never actually felt my age until i started babysitting a 7 month old. I have him at his worst as well-teething,diaper rash, shots and a cough. I figured once he's past all of this, it should be a lot easier (wish me luck)
Well, back to some crocheting. If you would like to see the newest listings in my shops, just click on the words Etsy and Artfire in this post. I am offering Free U.S. shipping and discounted shipping everywhere else.

Happy Holidays

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